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Could “Autumn’s Secret” Help You Find More Joy and Peace?

I love the beauty of autumn, especially where I live in Colorado.  Bright yellow aspen leaves against the endless blue sky are God’s artwork for the eyes on crisp fall days.

But as the leaves waft and fall to the ground, I can’t help but think that Autumn has a great secret that will change our lives—and we get to be privy to it.

Think about all the things in your life that are stressing you out right now. What are you worrying about? What do you fear? What is making you so sad?

Maybe you’re wondering how you’re going to pay the bills—or afford a new car—when your savings account is as barren as the Sahara Desert.

Perhaps you’ve been trying to lose weight, and you keep losing and gaining the same five pounds. You wonder if you will ever get in shape because it’s so darn difficult.

Could it be that you’re “always the bridesmaid, never the bride” and you just can’t take one more engagement story or attend one more wedding shower? You wonder when will it be your turn to find real and lasting love.

Or, maybe your own life is just fine, but you’re praying about the needs of a friend or loved one, the state of our crazy world today or something else.

Whatever it is that is stealing your peace, the secret is:


Autumn’s secret. God’s desire.

Just as the yellow aspen trees (or maple or oak) shed their leaves in the fall, we also need to surrender our stuff to God.

Release. Let go. Let God.

Trees surrender their lovely leaves for a season, so new ones can grow. Likewise, you and I can choose to let go of our problems, our worries, our fears, our desires and give them to God.

We let go of our stuff, and hold on to hope, having faith—great faith—that the One who loves us most will take care of it.

We “give it to God” as we talk to Him in prayer, just like you’d talk to a close friend, you can talk to God in prayer. He really does care. And He is ready to listen to you any time of the day or night. We need His help, His strength, His peace, and His power.

But letting go isn’t easy.

Maybe you’re afraid that if you let go, then you will have nothing. Your heart will be empty. And you seek other ways to fill the void.

But, here’s the thing:

Marriage is not the answer to your problems.

A random hookup or eating a pan of brownies will not fill your heart holes.

Neither will a bottle of this or pills of that.

The secret is surrender of your will, your ways and your timing of what you think should happen. It’s letting go of control. And handing over the reins of your life to our loving and good God. Then, He can reveal His will, His ways and His timing in all things.

You can choose to do things in your own limited strength, and end up miserable or depressed. Or, you can choose to surrender—and trust that for God’s best, the way that leads to lasting joy and peace.

Trust that God really does care about every area of your life. He wants the best for you. And He is at work, even when you cannot see or feel it, planning and preparing for His answers in your life.

God said, “I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

The secret is surrender.

We lay down our will for His will.

We let go of what we want for what God wants.

We walk by FAITH, trusting God to direct our steps.

Release to God your sadness, your worries and your fears. Surrender your stuff to the One who loves you most. Hold on to hope. Let the Lord’s joy and deep peace wash over you.

And watch your life transform…