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Tough Times? Here’s Help and Hope

Life is hard. No doubt about it. But you can find help and hope when you press in and pray on. Learn how to pray powerfully and effectively in “Praying with Power When Life Gets Tough.”

When you feel like giving up, check out the prayers for PERSEVERANCE.

When you’re busy and stressed, you’ll like the prayers for PEACE and REST.

When life is a mess, you’ll appreciate prayers for SIMPLICITY and ORDER.

When you’re disappointed, there are prayers for ENCOURAGEMENT.

When you’re depressed, you’ll want to read the prayers for wild HOPE and renewed JOY.

When you feel insecure, check out prayers for CONFIDENCE.

When you feel fearful, there are prayers for COURAGE.

And so much more.

I know you will find hope and encouragement in the pages of this book. I’ve been through tough times myself and I’ve seen firsthand how God can work to change things for the good.

Remember, God can do anything! Have faith. Trust Him. Prayer is powerful because God is powerful–and loving, and kind and wise.

Praying for you! May this book help and bless you.

Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble,,, or wherever books are sold.

Other Books on Prayer by Jackie M. Johnson

Power Prayers for Women

Prayers with Purpose for Women

Help and Hope for “Life in the Time of the Coronavirus”

So how are you doing with the “stay at home” order? Working from home? Teaching your kids? Social distancing? COVID-19 coronavirus affects us all.

If you need some helpful resources to stay sane and spiritually strong, I’ve compiled a good read for you.

Here is a list of my most recent blog posts to help you navigate the stormy waters and daily life of “Life in the Time of the Coronavirus” as we know it now.

Read on and feel free to share with others. (Click the title to read the entire post.)

Help and Hope for “Life in the Time of the Coronavirus”

1. How to Handle Fear about the Coronavirus. In these days of uncertainty, you may be feeling fearful or anxious. What’s going to happen? Will I be safe? What about my loved ones? We need to know the truth, so we can be set free from fear. Includes helpful Bible verses and prayer against fear.

2. Staying Sane While Staying Home During the Coronavirus. This is written for singles and singles parents, but it will help anyone who reads it to get a fresh infusion of hope, practical tips and increased trust in God.

3. Prayer Against COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Join me in praying for the COVID-19 coronavirus to STOP! May is pass over us and end soon. Prayer is powerful because God is powerful.

4. How to Know For Certain You’ll Go to Heaven – Discovering God’s Love and Amazing Grace. Do you know with certainty that if you died today that you would go to heaven? That, my friend, is the most important question you will ever answer in your lifetime. Read on and get the certainty you need.

Lastly, I believe we will get through this time. And, we will become stronger and better. Circumstances do not make a life; it’s HOW we handle them that makes the difference.

Our times are in God’s hands. Be at peace.

Jackie M. Johnson

How to Know For Certain You’ll Go to Heaven – Discovering God’s Love and Amazing Grace

I want to talk with you about something important.

In fact, it’s the most important thing you will ever consider and choose in your entire life.

These are strange and unusual times for all of us. The coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading across our globe like a tsunami. There is a feeling of uncertainty, anxiety and fear about this pandemic as people of all ages are wondering:

• Will I be safe from this virus? Will my loved ones be safe?
• What will happen to my job? The economy?
• When will this pandemic end?

While no one knows the exact answers to these crucial questions, we can have certainty about some things.

We can have certainty that God is in control—even when we cannot see it or feel it.

We can have certainty that all things work together for the good—even when we do not understand or like it.

We can know for certain that God loves each one of us. He is merciful and good, during the happy times and in the challenging times in life.

Most importantly, we can have certainty about where we will go when we pass from this Earth.

Ask yourself this question: Do you know with certainty that if you died today that you would go to heaven?

What was your answer? Yes. No. Maybe. I don’t know.

That, my friend, is the most important question you will ever answer in your lifetime.

Listen, I’m not trying to incite fear. My aim is to provide peace by pointing to God’s truths.

Realistically, while many people will recover from this virus, sadly some people will succumb to it. Thousands already have.

As of this writing, more than 90,000 people worldwide (14,000 in the United States) have died from COVID-19. And people die every day from other diseases and causes.

No matter the reason, each of us will pass from this Earth one day. The mortality rate for human beings is 100%. Meaning, that everyone who has ever lived will one day die.

But here’s the Good News.

You can know with certainty that you will go to heaven. Because the One who loves you most, Jesus Christ, made a way for you. For me. And for all who choose to follow Him.

Tell Me More Good News

The Good News is that you can have a meaningful and personal relationship with God. You can be assured of heaven, experience the peace that passes understanding, and find help and hope here and now in this hard and messy world.

This relationship comes through faith in Jesus Christ, God’s Son.

Jesus himself said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6 NKJV)

Here’s the thing. You can’t get into heaven by being a “good person” or doing good deeds. Because what we call “good” will never be good enough by God’s holy standards.

You can’t earn salvation through performance, and you can’t buy a ticket to Paradise with money.

Instead, salvation is a gift from God for all who will receive it. It’s an amazing gift of grace, mercy and love, one that each person receives for himself or herself through faith in Jesus Christ.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith.
And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,
not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

(Ephesians 2:8-9)

Sin Separates; Christ Connects

As human beings, we have a natural tendency to want to control our lives, to “do our own thing,” and not live by God’s ways. We may be selfish or rebellious. We do things wrong. We mess up. Or we may be ignorant; we simply don’t know God’s ways.

When we don’t put God first—when we live our own way and reject His principles—it’s called sin.

Sin keeps us separated from God. We’re not right with Him. We’re disconnected from the very source of life and power for living.

Bottom line: All of us have sinned. And a payment for sin needs to be made.

“For everyone has sinned;
we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.”

Romans 3:23 (NLT)

In The Message version, Romans 3:23-24 reads,
“God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we’re in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ.”

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23, NLT)

“Wages” are payment. If you work at a job, your employer pays you a salary or wages. The payment for sin is death, hell and separation from God. (Yes, sadly hell is real, even though we don’t hear much about it these days.)

Thankfully, God stepped in and made the payment for us.

Because He loved us so much, He paid the price for our sins. How? By Jesus Christ’s suffering and death on a cross, His shed blood was the payment.

But Jesus didn’t stay in the grave. No, He miraculously rose from the dead! Death could not hold Him. He’s alive! Resurrected. And He is coming again.

Jesus Christ paid a debt He didn’t owe. We owed a debt we could not pay. His death and resurrection covered the sins of the world.

Once. And for all.

Here’s another way to look at it.

Imagine you received a bill in the mail that said you owed one hundred trillion dollars. A gigantic amount of money. You know you’ll never be able to pay the bill, and you’re beside yourself wondering what to do.

Then imagine a kind person pays that exorbitant bill for you and you receive a statement that now reads, “PAID IN FULL.” Wow! What a relief! Who would pay such a debt?

While that’s just an example, it can help us to comprehend on a small level what Christ did for us. There is no way we could pay our “sin debt” on our own, Jesus Christ paid the price for us.

His death brought us LIFE. His pain brought us PEACE.

“But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.”
(Isaiah 53:5)

Just as sin separated us from God, now Christ connects us.

We need to repent (to turn away from our sins and wrongdoings) and turn to the One who bore our sins, Jesus Christ. It is a change of heart, and a change of actions.

Knowing About God vs. Knowing God

Many people know about God, but they don’t know that they can have a personal relationship with Him.

I didn’t know that for many years.

I grew up going to church every Sunday in a traditional denomination. I tried to be a “good person” and learned the basics of right and wrong.

When I was 17, I met a friend, Dan, who told me about “being saved” and “knowing Jesus personally.” I had no idea what he was talking about. He invited me to church, so I went to check it out.

My friend even bought me a Bible. I’d never had my own Bible. In fact, I didn’t even know they made them in portable sizes. (I’m embarrassed to say that we had a gigantic-sized Bible at home, but we only used it to press leaves. We didn’t read it.)

Then, I met a new friend, Lisa, and she began sharing with me about who God was and how much He loved me. In fact, her whole family modeled love to me. It was an eye-opening experience for a 17-year-old kid who felt lost from her parents’ recent divorce and was living in a new town where she didn’t know anyone.

I learned about God’s love revealed to us through Jesus Christ. I also learned that:

• God is not distant, he is near.
• God is loving, kind and compassionate. God is also just.
• God is sovereign and in control.
• God is powerful and almighty. He can do anything!
• God is all about grace and mercy, love and forgiveness.
• He is our healer—for our bodies and our broken relationships.
• He is our protector, provider and our peace.
• And so much more.

A few months later, Lisa invited me to a youth rally with more than 18,000 high school kids. Josh McDowell was speaking. At the end of his talk, he gave an altar call (where people can come to the front of the stage and pray to accept Christ as their personal Savior). I had never seen that before and stayed in the stands while my friend Lisa took some other girls up to the stage.

As I sat there, alone in a crowd of thousands, a woman I’d never met tapped me on the shoulder. She asked if I knew Jesus and I said I didn’t know.

For months, I had been going to this new church, asking questions and learning about God. But I was still uncertain.

Then, in about five minutes, this kind woman clearly explained to me the Good News, that I could know Jesus Christ personally and know for certain that I would go to heaven.

I finally understood that I needed to make a decision. So I chose to pray with this nameless woman in Illinois to receive Jesus Christ as my Savior. Not because of what my parents believed, but what I believed. Not because of the good deeds I did, but because of God’s grace.

I made a decision that changed my life forever in positively amazing ways.

Believe and Receive

So, what about you? What will you decide?

Will you choose to believe God’s truths and accept Jesus Christ into your own heart?

Remember, becoming a Christian isn’t about a set of rules, it’s about a relationship. It’s a one-on-one connection with the One who created you, the One who loves you most.

God wants you to know Him, to love Him, to believe Him and to serve Him. He wants you to be with Him forever. God wants to give you joy and peace like you’ve never known before, forgiven and free from guilt and shame.

You don’t have to be uncertain; you can know for sure that you are going to heaven, and have the help and hope of Christ here on Earth.

“If you confess that Jesus is your Lord,
and you believe in your heart that
God raised Him from the dead,
you will be saved.”

Romans 10:9 (NIV)

What to Do Next?

Take a moment now to pray a simple prayer of commitment to God:

Lord, thank you for Your love for me. I humbly bow before You and confess my sins. I am sorry and I ask for Your forgiveness. I choose to turn from my wrong ways and follow You. I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He died on a cross, and rose from the dead victorious and alive—so that I might truly live—in power and purpose here on earth, and in heaven forever with God. I ask you to come into my heart. I accept your gift of salvation. Guide my life and help me to grow in my faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

If you prayed that prayer, I am so happy for you!

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Cor. 5:17)

Jesus is your Savior and your Lord. Your Savior, in that He has saved you and forgiven your sins, and Lord, as you choose to follow God’s ways every day. You choose to live what you believe.

Jesus calls us to follow Him. We live with Him and for Him, and in the strength and power He generously gives us. When you “follow the leader,” you are reorienting your life from selfish ways to God’s ways. And you can follow knowing that God is loving, sovereign and wise. He knows all things and He is good. God knows best. And we can trust Him with every area of our lives.

Grow in Your Faith

I encourage you to begin the process of growing in your faith.

Just like an apple seed planted in the soil becomes a tree with a harvest of fruit, your faith journey can grow and you will “bear fruit” in your life.

Growth happens as you get to know God better by reading the Bible (which is God’s Word to us), through prayer (talking to God and sharing your heart as you would talk with a close friend), finding a Bible-believing church to attend and getting connected with other believers.

While church attendance in-person is not possible right now as most of the U.S. and the world are under “stay at home” orders because of the virus, there are many churches you can watch online.

As you live out your faith every day you will find hope and joy, peace and strength. The power of God’s Holy Spirit will help you do what you cannot do in your own human effort.

Faith in Christ leads to transformation. I’ve experienced it myself and seen it in others.

God has good plans for you, too, and He will be with you every step of the way.

How to Handle Fear About the Coronavirus

In these days of uncertainty, with the worldwide coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, you may be feeling fearful or anxious.

What’s going to happen?

What is the truth—what is real news and what is fake news?

Am I safe? Are those I love safe and healthy?

When our safety is threatened—physically or emotionally—we are rightly afraid. Our bodies are equipped with an inner alarm to signal something is not right in order to protect us from harm.

We are human. And it’s OK to feel afraid. But…

In addition, we need wisdom to discern if the thing we’re fearful about is a real fear or a false fear—and what to do about it.

For example, if you hear an unfamiliar noise in the middle of the night, you might be afraid someone is trying to break into your home.

But once you discover it’s really just the wind blowing tree branches against a window pane, your mind can rest again.

We need to know the truth, so we can be set free from fear.

Some people are afraid to fly.

Some fear being alone.

Others are afraid of not having enough money, like when you’re laid off from your job or bank account is nearing zero balance.

You have a right to feel fear.

It’s what you do with your feelings of fear that makes a difference. You can choose to live in worry and doubt, or you can choose to trust God in every situation. Peace can replace anxiety. Fear subsides.

How do you do that?


To begin, pray. Talk to God about your fears. Jill Briscoe once said, “Courage is fear that has said its prayers.”

God is always here and near. He listens. He cares. And He is always at work, even when we cannot see it or feel it.


Then, remember what God has done in the past—for you and for others.

Recall how He has seen you through hard times before, and believe that He will again deliver you from difficult circumstances. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you do what you cannot do in your own human strength.

Fear says, “I cannot handle this situation.” Faith says, “God can.”

Bask in Truth

Trust that even though you can’t see now how it’s all going to work out, God does. He knows. And He is still in control come rain or shine, or virus or anything.

Shore up inside you the truth about who God is as protector, provider, helper, and healer. He is stronger than any force that tries to come against you. And He is your peace in the storm-tossed world.

Listen to the words of hope and comfort from Dr. James Dobson on his Family Talk broadcast today, April 2, 2020.  He shares his thoughts and concerns about this worldwide pandemic, and also offers encouragement.

God is whispering to you, “Will you trust me?” Will you choose to trust that the One who loves you most will take care of you?

The choice is yours.

Our times are in His hands.


Key Bible Verses

“So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?’” ~ Hebrews 13:6

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” ~ 2 Timothy 1:7

“But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” ~ James 1:6

“For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.” ~ Psalm 27:5

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” ~ Isaiah 41:10

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9

Powerful Prayer

Lord, I need your help and protection. Rescue me from this fear and doubt swirling around me. I ask you to quiet my stormy emotions. Help me to believe that You will take care of me—and all of my difficult circumstances. Keep me safe in the comfort of your love and strong power. You can do anything! And I need you right now. Turn my darkness to light. Help me to move from fear to confidence, from timid to trusting. Give me courage to move forward, one step at a time with You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

He is another prayer specifically to pray against the coronavirus, COVID-19.

Additional Resources

Power Prayers for Women by Jackie M. Johnson
Praying with Power When Life Gets Tough by Jackie M. Johnson
When Love Ends and the Ice Cream Carton Is Empty by Jackie M. Johnson

Photo credit: Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Powerful Life Lessons from 20 Years in Colorado

Twenty years ago today, I drove into Colorado Springs in my little red Honda after a thousand-mile trip across America’s heartland to start a new life at the foot of the Rocky Mountains.

When I left my home, friends, and family in suburban Milwaukee, Wisconsin to move here, I had no idea what joys and challenges the next two decades would bring.

I didn’t really know anyone when I moved to Colorado (except a college friend and her husband). So I set about making new friends—and I have some amazing and wonderful friends here today.

Yet through all of the challenging times and the good times, God showed himself faithful and I learned some valuable life lessons.

A Look Back

Over the past 20 years, a lot has happened. Let’s take a quick look back:

• I moved 8 times in 8 years (not always by choice, but that’s another story for another day).

• I worked at some interesting jobs—at a literary agency, a book publisher, a radio ministry. I was also a freelance marketing copywriter.

• I met some fascinating people along the way at my various workplaces, like: Franklin Graham (son of Billy Graham), Roma Downey, Mark Burnett, Dr. James Dobson, Mrs. Shirley Dobson, Lee Strobel, Eric Metaxas, John Eldredge, Eugene Peterson, Victor Marx, Brennan Manning, Bruce Wilkinson, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Dr. Ben Carson, Gary Chapman, Dr. Tim Clinton, Denver Moore and Ron Hall (“Same Kind of Different As Me”), Vice President Mike Pence (before he was VP), Karen Kingsbury and others.

• Sadly, I got laid off from jobs twice because of the sagging economy. When times were hard (and long months of unemployment), I worked at whatever jobs I could find to support myself—like pizza delivery—while also freelance writing.

• And, I’ve had a few heartbreaks from broken dating relationships along the way. But learned from them essential life lessons about how to process pain and loss, and find new hope and joy again.

• I wrote 3 books: “Power Prayers for Women,” “Praying with Power When Life Gets Tough,” and “When Love End and the Ice Cream Carton Is Empty”—a breakup recovery book to help others get over their dating relationship breakups, too.

Lessons Learned

As look back, I see how God helped me through the tough times—like 18 months of unemployment, breakup pain from severed relationships, and healing from major knee surgery.

I learned total dependence on God, as he taught me to get my eyes off my turbulent circumstances around me, and look to Jesus, the one who gives peace in the storms.

I learned that God provides—even when I am down to my last dime with “8 miles to empty” on my odometer and needing gas for my car.

I learned deeper levels of love as God used friends to help me through tough times with an unexpected bag of groceries or a check in the mail.

As I emerged from seasons of challenge and change, I became stronger as a Christian and as a woman.

I found my voice.

I learned to stand up for myself, to ask for what I really need, and set boundaries so I could be my best self in dating relationships and in friendships.

I learned that I was worth being loved well.

And, that when you’re down to nothing, God is up to something.

He is faithful. He never fails.

A Look Ahead

As I look ahead, I choose to be a woman of joy and peace. I choose to trust God every step of the way—day by day, choice by choice.

It’s not always easy, but with the power of the Holy Spirit living inside of me, I have grace and strength for each new day.

Currently, I’m enjoying working for a radio ministry and writing two blogs—the blog you are reading on my website and the Living Single Blog on Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk website.

In addition, I’m working on creating an online course and writing my fourth book. More on those items in the coming weeks.

I love being out in nature and appreciating the beauty of God’s creation. Every morning I see the sun rise in the east and light up the mountain range like footlights on a stage. Glorious!

I am grateful. God is faithful in all of life’s seasons—the hard times and the good times.

Each day is a new beginning, a chance to start again. And that is a very good thing.

What About Your Life?

Thanks for listening to my story. Now what about you?

I pray that you would take time to look back on your own life, too, and see how God has been faithful through the years in the good times and the hard times.

Then pray about all God has for you today, and in the coming days. Talk to Him and share your heart. He is always listening and He will answer.

May you find joy despite circumstances, beauty in the simple things and a settled peace because God loves you more than you know.

The best days are ahead.

–Jackie M. Johnson

Leave a message in the comments below on how God has been faithful in your life.