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Jackie M. Johnson interview

INTERVIEW: Get to know Jackie M. Johnson; find hope and encouragement

Most people are busy and stressed. They want to have a better life, more joy, a loving family, help for life’s challenges and so much more.

But often they get swept away in the busyness of life. They get emotionally and spiritually parched.

Through my books and blogs, I want to offer a cold glass of water to desert-dry hearts.

I want to bring hope and encouragement to life-weary souls and point them to God—and all He offers us.




Power for living.





Eternal Life.

And, so much more.

I want readers to walk away with inspiration and joy–and the power they need to do this hard and messy life with God’s help.

I hope my books and blog posts will bless you each time you read a page or a post.

To learn more about author Jackie M. Johnson, read this recent interview on popular author Susan Mathis’ blog.