Growing a Better Life Blog

by Jackie M. Johnson

Powerful hope and encouragement to “grow a better life.” 

Find more joy, peace and strength with helpful and hope-filled content.

What is Christmas Really About?

Christmas is the holiday that celebrates the best gift ever, the gift of Love as God sent his Son, Jesus Christ to positively change the world forever. We celebrate “God WITH us,” Immanuel. He is the gift, the present of His presence. To a waiting world in darkness, Christ brought freedom and light. Those gifts are still ours today, as well as real and lasting peace. And hope. And salvation– forgiveness of our sins and life with…

Growing a Better Life

“Wild hope is planting seeds of faith and expecting orchards of blessings.” ~ Jackie M. Johnson ~   Hi! Welcome to my encouragement blog. My goal is to offer hope-filled and helpful content so life-weary people can find renewed joy, strength, freedom and peace—and discover more about the transforming power of prayer. Here, you will find content that is practical and inspiring, words that bring back the joy and help you to live a better…