Praying for America – Day 1


America’s National Day of Prayer will be held on Thursday, May 3, 2018. Here are some prayers to help you get started, and a bit of info about praying for our nation.

Praying for Our Nation

The United States of America was founded on godly principles by faithful men and women who prayed. Through the years, God has blessed our nation. Here, we can worship freely, vote for our leadership and live in relative peace and freedom.

Although our spiritual heritage is rich, the moral fabric of our nation has been unraveling for decades.

Sadly, we see increased violence—from shootings in schools, movie theatres, military bases, churches, the streets, and more.

We hear about the opioid addiction crisis, or know someone personally suffering from an addiction.

From poverty and homelessness, to racial issues, to the lack of educational funding and the breakup of many families, and so much more, nearly every city in our great nation suffers.

We know there has to be a better way to live.

And so, we choose to pray for our country, our diverse needs and our leadership–individually and corporately.

National Day of Prayer

This week we will celebrate the National Day of Prayer on May 3.  Since 1952, men and women have been gathering in our nation’s capitol, Washington DC, and in thousands of churches and other locations in states across our land to pray for our nation.

More than 30,000 observances were held across America last year attended by 2 million people, according to the National Day of Prayer website,

So, this week on my blog, I will list prayers that you can pray for our nation, our leaders (national, state and local), the media/entertainment sector, the Armed Forces, education, the family and prayers for spiritual revival in America.

Revival is possible as we seek God and stand in the gap to intercede for our nation.

We can make an impact on the spiritual landscape of our nation with the power of prayer because prayer moves the heart of God to action.

Perhaps the most important thing we can do is to first come before God with a heart of humility and repentance.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

In addition to praying, we can get informed, we can get involved and we can vote and seek to make a difference in our own corner of the country.

And we remember, that although we pledge allegiance to America, our citizenship is in heaven, and we are to be like Christ—loving, kind and serving others—in all our interactions, even our political ones.


Prayer for Spiritual Revival

Revive us, O Lord! I pray for a great awakening of hope and healing in America. Forgive us our personal sins and the sins of our people. May our nation fulfill her great destiny and purposes. Awaken us to our need for God and our total dependence on You. Bless us, Lord, to be a nation that is powerful so we can be strong within and be a blessing to other nations.


National Day of Prayer Events on

Thursday, May 3, 2018 (7:30 PM Eastern Time)

For more information about prayer, see “Power Prayers for Women” and Praying With Power When Times Get Toughby Jackie M. Johnson

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