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New Year

New Year New Perspective: 6 Ways to Make it Better

It happens in a blink of an eye.

When the clock strikes midnight on December 31, suddenly it’s a brand new year. A blank slate.

A new beginning.

I, for one, love a fresh new year. It’s so full of potential and possibilities. Anything can happen!

I’ve been pondering what will make this year different? And how to make this year the best year yet.

How can we move from doing nothing to having goals–or from having goals to actually achieving them?

I think it starts with prayer and a change in perspective. 

Here are six (6) ideas to consider for making this year a really good one:

1. Start with prayer. Take some time to talk with God about your life. Reevaluate what’s really important to you. Wait and listen for answers.

God always answers prayers. Maybe not always in the way you think He should or on your timetable. But it’s in those conversations with God that old patterns fall away and new ideas come forth.

Prayer will be the foundation for your best year yet, and for your life.

2. Ask questions. Get a notebook or a device and start answering some basic questions that will help you move forward:

What am I thankful for?

What do I need to get rid of (or let go of) in my life (e.g., bad habits, unhealthy relationships, etc.)?

What do I need more of in my life (e.g., more rest, more time with my friends, more self discipline, etc.)?

What do I really want in life?

3. Get a new perspective. As you ask yourself the questions above, don’t forget this key question: What does God have for me? The good news is that God is loving and good. He wants the best for you!

4. Make a plan and take action. Write down your top goals for the year and list action steps you want to take under each goal.

For example, if your goal is to lose 20 pounds, some of your action steps could include:

1) See my doctor.

2) Find recipes with healthy foods that taste good.

3) Make time in my schedule each week for grocery shopping, cooking and packing lunches.

4) Make a workout schedule.

5) Have a friend to call for encouragement when I don’t want to do any of these steps.

And so on.

It helps to break down your goal into smaller steps you can achieve on a daily or weekly basis.

5. Overcome obstacles. In any attempt to change, there are often roadblocks. Think about what is keeping you from what you really want. What are the obstacles and how can you overcome them?

Sure, those are big questions. As a Christ follower, I have learned—often the hard way—that I can’t make change happen in my own human strength. I need the power of God working in me and through me to make lasting changes. I need His power to take action and His power to wait. 

6. Remember the basics. As you think and pray and make a plan for the new year, it’s helpful to get back to the fundamental things that help build a better life and a healthier you like: getting enough rest and exercise, drinking plenty of water, eating healthy food, getting fresh air, taking in copious amounts of God’s truth, having positive relationships (and not isolating yourself when you feel lonely), serving others, expressing your creativity, managing stress and making time for fun, play and laughter.

So pray and plan.

Take action and trust God.

Start small and don’t freak yourself out.

Remember: God is with you. And He will lovingly lead you step by step.

Thinking about making changes this year? It’s time.

The rest of your life starts right now.


How to Have a Better New Year–and New You!

A new year is just around the corner. It’s a blank slate. A chance to begin anew.

365 days full of wild hope and possibilities.

On the brink of a new year, millions of people will make New Year’s resolutions, only to break them by January 2 (if not sooner).

Not you, of course. You’ve thrown off “resolutions” years ago.

Instead of resolutions, you make new GOALS every year. Or, you don’t. You just wing it. And hope for the best.

Either way. I have another idea for 2022.

How about two simple questions:

1. WHO you want to become this year?
2. What you want to DO differently this year?

First, your character. Who do you want to become?

A kinder person? A more joyful person?
A more courageous and bolder person?
Someone who listens more?
Someone who is more other-centered, and less self-centered?
Ponder this. And consider what you want to change about yourself in the next twelve months.

Second: What do you want to do differently this year?

Making changes starts as you look back. Review and reflect. How was the last year for you? What are you grateful for from the past year?

Then, look ahead. What do you want to stop doing, start doing or keep on doing? Keep it simple. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many changes at once.

Experts say your goals should be specific, not vague. Instead of, “I plan to lose weight.” (vague) say something like, “I plan to lose 20 pounds by the 4th of July.” (specific).

If you want to go a step further, some say to frame your goals in a positive way, not a negative way.

Like saying “shed pounds” instead of “lose weight.” It’s up to you how detailed you want to be about that.

Whatever you decide to do—whether it’s lose 20 pounds or reduce debt by 50% or start a new online business—do it for yourself. Not because someone else is pressuring you to do it.

Also, don’t listen to the cynics who want to crush your dreams. They have their own issues. Instead, focus forward on your own goals.

And reward yourself when you make progress!

Finally, which should actually be first and foremost, look up.

Ask God for wisdom and direction as you make goals for 2022. No one expects you to make life happen on your own.

Life can be hard, messy, and disappointing. Thankfully, our loving and powerful God is our helper, our healer and our provider. He is our strength.

And He has the power to make real and lasting changes in our lives.

It’s the same power that raised Jesus Christ from death to life—and it is available to you and me.

In fact, “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life…” (2 Peter 1:3)

How does that happen? The verse goes on,

“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” (full verse)

When we “know God” not just “know about” Him—when we choose to accept Christ into our lives and let Him change us to be more like Him—everything changes.

With Christ living inside of us, we have the power to change.

God helps us to do things we simply cannot do in our own human effort.

Now that is a gift!

New year, New beginnings

So, what will you choose to do?

Take time to reflect on this past year.

Look forward with hope—and a few goals—to the year ahead.

Maybe even choose a word or phrase for the year (like COURAGE or HOPE or A NEW YOU in 2022! Or whatever is meaningful to you).

Whatever you choose to pursue in the year ahead, know that the Giver of Dreams and the One Who Loves You Most, our great God, is FOR you, and He is WITH you.

As for me? I choose to have wild hope, extravagant hope, for God’s BEST in 2022 for each of us.

Blessings to you!
Jackie M. Johnson

P.S. Let me know in the COMMENTS below what one of your goals is for the New Year?

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Top 5 Posts of 2019

It’s nearly the start of a new year.

So let’s look back on the Top 5 blog posts on my “Growing a Better Life” blog for 2019. May each post continue to encourage you and bring renewed hope as you read and share them with others.

1. Beating the Mid-Winter Blues
2. Why Do Some People Get Healed When You Pray—and Some Don’t?
3. What is the True Meaning of Christmas?
4. How to Be Happy Now
5. 5 Lies Keeping You Stuck on the “Busy and Stressed” Treadmill—and How to Break Free

Then, let’s look ahead and anticipate God’s best for 2020.

Have a Wonderful New Year!

“For I know the plans I have for you,”
declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you
and not to harm you, plans to give you
hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11