What is the True Meaning of Christmas?

Have you been wondering what Christmas is really all about?

Love came down at Christmas. God with us. Immanuel. He came near. Not far away. Present.

To people waiting in darkness, Christ brought true life and light, freedom and peace.

The baby in a manger is the Savior of the world.

He came for you. For me. For all mankind.

The best gift ever!

Here is a short poem about the true meaning of Christmas for you to read and share with others:

What is Christmas?

This is where it all began…
An infant child who became a man.
Eternity came down so we could understand,
The child of Creator, the true Son of Man.

He was not unexpected, for the prophets foretold
The events that had happened would surely unfold.
Four hundred years later the miracle came,
The star over Bethlehem shone where He lay.

They came to attend Him from near and from far,
The shepherds and wise men who followed the star.
All were rejoicing that first Christmas night,
At the child of a virgin, a humbling sight.

So what is the meaning of that first Christmas night?
Simply, He came to make everything right.
For the Child had a purpose in coming to Earth.
He came as a light and to give us new birth.

He gave us forgiveness and paid with His life.
What kind of love would pay such a price?
For death could not hold Him; He rose from that grave.
And freedom and life were the gifts that He gave.

No longer divided, no longer alone,
Because of His love the wall had come down.
Live free forever! O, what a gift!
Both now here on earth and forever with Him.

Wise men and angels followed Him then.
Wise men still seek Him, again and again.
— Jackie M. Johnson

This Christmas, you can become a Christ-follower too. You can know God’s love and forgiveness, and His freedom and peace in your own life. And the certainty of life forever with God after this life ends. Pray this prayer, and life will never be the same.


Lord, thank you for your amazing love for me. You came, as a baby to Earth, and showed us how to love each other. You give us new life, salvation, forgiveness of our sins and wrong-doings. I ask that you would come into my heart and be my Savior and Lord. I choose to follow You and your loving, life-giving ways. Cleanse me, fill me and make me new–from the inside out. I ask, believing, in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Photo credit (baby): Daisy Laparra, Pexels

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