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Feeling Lonely? Here’s Hope

Feeling lonely? Isolated?

Many people are, especially in this (dare I say) “unprecedented” time of the COVID-19 virus we’re living in across the globe.


It’s been many months and we are continuing to be told to stay home as much as possible, social distance from people in public, and avoid close contact.

The loneliness thing is even more difficult for those who live alone. If you are working at home (like many of us are) and live alone, it can feel empty. You miss handshakes and hugs and the joy of face-to-face conversation.

And the weeks are dragging on.

I get it.

The truth is, we were created for connection and relationships of all kinds. Love and friendship are vital to our emotional well-being.

So, what can you do during this crisis to feel less alone and more connected?

First, connect with God. Make your primary connection an ongoing and connected relationship with the One who loves you most.

I want to encourage you to press in to the relationship you have with God. He wants to know you—and for you to know Him—just as you would a close friend. 

He longs to love and guide you through this hard and messy life. Make time to “seek His face” (who He is), not just his hands (what He can do for you).

Creator of all, our good God is faithful and true, loving and just, compassionate and kind. He is strong and mighty. Trust Him with your heart, tell Him all you long for, and believe He will see you through. 

Through prayer and talking with God, we can have the most meaningful connection possible.

• Prayer is a holy conversation of both speaking and listening with God. He knows you better than you know yourself. In fact, He created you! So your words don’t have to be perfect or rehearsed, just real and from your heart. Pray and talk with God about your feelings and fears. Even when you feel lonely. There’s a helpful prayer below you can pray. When you know God, you are never alone. Today, ask God to make His presence real to you.

• Remember Who is in control. It’s important to remember that God is bigger than this crisis. He is sovereign and in control. Remember His mercy. His power and strength. His comfort and unconditional love for you.

• Get out the Good Book. Turn off the TV news once in a while, and pull out your Bible. Take time to read it more than you usually do, and in doing so you will be saturating yourself with God’s powerful Word. The truths in the Bible never return empty, but accomplish God’s purposes. (Isaiah 55:11)

• Use this time wisely. Get a journal or notebook (or device) and write down what God is teaching you during this time. Consider and journal these questions: What needs to change in your life? How can you pray for others? What is on God’s heart for such a time as this?

Then, connect with others in virtual community. Our women’s Bible study has been meeting on Zoom every Wednesday night. You can make a plan to have virtual visits to connect with family or friends, too. Sure, it’s not the same as in-person time, but it sure helps to have some sort of human interaction—even on a computer or phone screen.

If you don’t have virtual connection capabilities, you can phone or text a friend.

And, depending upon where you live, you can actually get together with people in person and connect. (But you may still need to wear a mask (a face covering) in many places.)

By reaching out to someone, and connecting, you could be the answer to someone else’s prayer. Your friend may be feeling lonely too, and you could brighten her day with a call to check in, a simple text, or the promise of a future time to get together.

Here’s a powerful prayer you can pray when you feel lonely:

“Lord, I have this lonely ache inside of me. I feel so isolated. And sometimes I am afraid. I long to connect with others, but right now it’s challenging. It’s difficult to be alone so much–or not connecting with others as often.

Yet, I take comfort that you are bigger than this crisis. I thank You, Lord, that You are always near. When Your presence is with me, I am never really alone.

Will you help me to choose FAITH over fear? To be aware and not afraid? And to TRUST that You are in control even when I don’t always see it or feel it?

Saturate my heart, soul and mind with Your unchanging truths because the TRUTH will set me free.

Thank you for being my protector, my provider, and my strong peace. I choose to trust You. I pray believing. In Jesus’ mighty and powerful name. Amen.”

Amen! Be at peace.

For more hope and inspiration, check out these books by Jackie M. Johnson:

Praying with Power When Life Gets Tough

Power Prayers for Women

Prayers with Purpose for Women

When Love Ends and the Ice Cream Carton Is Empty

Discouraged? 4 Vital Ways to Stand Strong When You Feel Like Giving Up

Life can be challenging. No matter what your age or life stage, we all get discouraged.

Whether you’re stressed from too much work, or anxious because you lost your job, you may feel depleted. Maybe you’re wiped out from caring for kids or aging parents all day–or you’re lonely because you just moved across the country and don’t know anyone yet. Either way, we all have times when we feel like giving up.

How do you press on when you just don’t have it in you? How do you stand strong in challenging times?

You need a solid foundation.

When a skyscraper is under construction, workers first dig a foundation and then pound steel reinforcing rods called pylons deep into the earth so the building will stand tall and not tumble.

Then, concrete is poured into the shaft with the pylons for a super-strong hold.

The same can be true as you build a “foundation” in your own life—as you grow deeper, you grow stronger in your faith. As you immerse yourself in the ways and wisdom of God, the reinforced truth, like pylons of



Courage, and


help you become stronger on the inside.

So when you’re discouraged, and your life is spiraling downward, you will be able to withstand more readily the gale-force winds of hard times and pain because your inner foundation is deep and strong.

Steel upon steel, story upon story a structure is built.

Likewise, God’s Word tells us that hope comes step by step as “suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. (Romans 5:3, 4)

So, how do you press on when times are tough? Here are four (4) vital things to help you persevere with God’s strength:

1) Cast your cares. Don’t take on burdens you were never meant to bear—like worry, fear and doubt. They’ll weigh you down and hinder you from being effective.

Instead, give God your fears; surrender trying to do it all on your own to Him. In other words, like a fishing line, “cast your cares, and don’t reel them back in again.” Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”

2) Press on in prayer. Prayer is the foundation upon which everything else is built in your life. It the most important thing you can do. You may think, “I’ve already prayed, what other solutions are there?” Keep on praying.

Talk to God about your situation, because He is the one who has the power to change it. As you pray, believe God is working and stand in the strength you receive.

3) Send in reinforcements. Sometimes you need backup. It’s amazing what happens when you receive support in prayer from friends and family members who are willing to pray for you and with you.

When you don’t know what to pray, when you’re spent emotionally or physically, or, like Moses, when you need someone to “hold up your arms” (to support you), the prayers of others on your behalf can give you a boost to keep going.

4) Take action. Taking one small step can lead to another and another and it builds momentum, and things begin to change. You will not be in this hard place forever. God will help you through. Unlike others who may have let you down, God keeps His promises. When you take action in prayer, God moves on your behalf.

Perseverance takes courage. Believe that God hears your prayers; He sees your tears, and He is at work in your life.

There are still purposes to be fulfilled—lives to touch, things to accomplish, and character to be formed on the inside.

Press on, pray on, with holy tenacity, holding on to hope that one day—maybe soon—things will change for the better: the check will come, the job will be yours, or the house will be filled with a child’s laughter.

Today, we pray and trust Him.


For more hope and inspiration, check out these books by Jackie M. Johnson:

Praying with Power When Life Gets Tough
Power Prayers for Women
Prayers with Purpose for Women

How to Pray Powerfully for America: National Day of Prayer 2020

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace,
that we may obtain mercy and find grace
to help in time of need.

–Hebrews 4:16

The need to pray for our nation—and the people who call America home—is more urgent than ever. Though our spiritual heritage is rich, the fabric of society has been unraveling for decades.

We all know it.

The good news is that, as Christ-followers, we have the privilege and the authority of coming before God to ask for help, healing and revival.

We can stand in the gap to intercede for our nation and our people.

We can pray—and make a difference.

In fact, we can improve the spiritual landscape of our nation with the power of prayer. 

What is prayer, exactly?
Prayer is conversation with God. It’s a holy conversation, talking and listening with The One who loves you most.

Prayer connects us to the One who has the power to make real and lasting changes—in our lives, in our nation, and in the world. Because of God’s mighty power, coupled with His infinite wisdom and unconditional love for all of us, we can have peace knowing that He’s in control despite circumstances.

Here’s the thing. Prayer releases the power of heaven to protect and defend us. And our good and faithful God helps us through both the valleys and the victories of life.

Prayer is not a magical set of words you use to get what you want from God. It’s not judged by how long you pray or how loud. When you pray in faith—simply and sincerely—you each prayer can be a powerful moment.

Simply put: Prayer changes things. And it changes us.

So, how can we pray powerfully for our nation?

1. First, we come before God individually. We come with a heart of humble repentance and ask for forgiveness for personal sins and wrongdoings. “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”  2 Chronicles 7:14

2. Then, we come before God together. We can pray together in church and in small groups (when gathering is allowed again after the virus crisis)—or pray virtually online. We can also come together to pray for our nation through the annual event, the National Day of Prayer.

Tell me about the National Day of Prayer 2020
This year, National Day of Prayer Observance will be held on Thursday, May 7, 2020.

If we didn’t have COVID-19 virus restrictions, there would usually be more than 60,000 events happening across the country for the National Day of Prayer. Instead, this year, we can watch the nationwide virtual prayer event and pray from our own homes, apartments, condos, cabins, or other dwellings.

Who are some of the leaders leading prayer at this event?
Kathy Branzell (NDP President) and Will Graham (grandson of Billy Graham) will be hosting the event. Other leaders include Michael W. Smith and his wife Debbie, Andrew Palau, Robert Morris, Nick Hall, Harry Jackson, Jim Cymbala, Billy Wilson, Pat Robertson, Greg Stier, Gabby Odom, Blair Linne, and more.

Where can I watch or listen to the National Day of Prayer 2020 Observance?

• Date: Thursday, May 7, 2020

• Time: 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM Eastern Time/7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Central Time/6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Mountain Time/5:00 PM – 7:00 PM Pacific Time

• How to watch: Watch a livestream on the National Day of Prayer website, 

How can I pray for America?
Here are a few suggestions of how to pray for America as you prepare your heart for the annual National Day of Prayer—or pray any time.

Pray for our national leaders, state leaders and local leaders. Whether you agree or disagree with who’s in office, we are called to pray for those in authority. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

Pray for the Armed Forces, the honorable men and women serving our country so we can have freedom and peace. For their health and safety, and their families.

Pray for the integrity of the Family. For marriages to be strong and healthy. For men and women to parent well, with integrity, love and wisdom. For singles, to make wise choices in whom they date and marry. And for those who don’t have a family, that we would see the need for community and include them.

Pray for Education. For teachers, administrators, volunteers to teach and lead students well so they become wise and compassionate men and women one day. That there would be resources they need to teach well and keep children safe.

Pray for the Media and Entertainment Industry. That God would shine His light in the dark places. That He would raise up creative people to produce positive and life-giving entertainment.

Pray that God would heal our land. We are divided, not united, in these United States on many social issues and political issues. We need God’s mighty power to work in each of us to heal the hatred, bring forth truth and justice, and help us move forward with peace.

Pray for spiritual revival in America—and in the world. For the continued blessing of God’s favor upon our nation. As Psalm 33:12 tells us, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…”

Pray for whatever else comes to your heart for our people, our leaders and our nation.

Prayer changes things!

It’s time to press in and pray on. With God’s power at work in us, anything is possible.

Let’s look forward to a new day in each of our hearts—with hope and joy for America and the amazing people who call it home.

Key Verses to Pray for Our Nation

Ephesians 6:18
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.

James 5:16
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

2 Chronicles 7:13-14
When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Ephesians 6:11-12
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:13-17
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Hebrews 4:16
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

PRAYER RESOURCES by Jackie M. Johnson:

Power Prayers for Women

Prayers With Purpose for Women

Praying with Power When Life Gets Tough

Prayer against COVID-19 (for coronavirus to stop)

PHOTO CREDIT: Girl with flag, Frank McKenna, Unsplash

How to Handle Fear About the Coronavirus

In these days of uncertainty, with the worldwide coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, you may be feeling fearful or anxious.

What’s going to happen?

What is the truth—what is real news and what is fake news?

Am I safe? Are those I love safe and healthy?

When our safety is threatened—physically or emotionally—we are rightly afraid. Our bodies are equipped with an inner alarm to signal something is not right in order to protect us from harm.

We are human. And it’s OK to feel afraid. But…

In addition, we need wisdom to discern if the thing we’re fearful about is a real fear or a false fear—and what to do about it.

For example, if you hear an unfamiliar noise in the middle of the night, you might be afraid someone is trying to break into your home.

But once you discover it’s really just the wind blowing tree branches against a window pane, your mind can rest again.

We need to know the truth, so we can be set free from fear.

Some people are afraid to fly.

Some fear being alone.

Others are afraid of not having enough money, like when you’re laid off from your job or bank account is nearing zero balance.

You have a right to feel fear.

It’s what you do with your feelings of fear that makes a difference. You can choose to live in worry and doubt, or you can choose to trust God in every situation. Peace can replace anxiety. Fear subsides.

How do you do that?


To begin, pray. Talk to God about your fears. Jill Briscoe once said, “Courage is fear that has said its prayers.”

God is always here and near. He listens. He cares. And He is always at work, even when we cannot see it or feel it.


Then, remember what God has done in the past—for you and for others.

Recall how He has seen you through hard times before, and believe that He will again deliver you from difficult circumstances. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you do what you cannot do in your own human strength.

Fear says, “I cannot handle this situation.” Faith says, “God can.”

Bask in Truth

Trust that even though you can’t see now how it’s all going to work out, God does. He knows. And He is still in control come rain or shine, or virus or anything.

Shore up inside you the truth about who God is as protector, provider, helper, and healer. He is stronger than any force that tries to come against you. And He is your peace in the storm-tossed world.

Listen to the words of hope and comfort from Dr. James Dobson on his Family Talk broadcast today, April 2, 2020.  He shares his thoughts and concerns about this worldwide pandemic, and also offers encouragement.

God is whispering to you, “Will you trust me?” Will you choose to trust that the One who loves you most will take care of you?

The choice is yours.

Our times are in His hands.


Key Bible Verses

“So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?’” ~ Hebrews 13:6

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” ~ 2 Timothy 1:7

“But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” ~ James 1:6

“For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.” ~ Psalm 27:5

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” ~ Isaiah 41:10

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9

Powerful Prayer

Lord, I need your help and protection. Rescue me from this fear and doubt swirling around me. I ask you to quiet my stormy emotions. Help me to believe that You will take care of me—and all of my difficult circumstances. Keep me safe in the comfort of your love and strong power. You can do anything! And I need you right now. Turn my darkness to light. Help me to move from fear to confidence, from timid to trusting. Give me courage to move forward, one step at a time with You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

He is another prayer specifically to pray against the coronavirus, COVID-19.

Additional Resources

Power Prayers for Women by Jackie M. Johnson
Praying with Power When Life Gets Tough by Jackie M. Johnson
When Love Ends and the Ice Cream Carton Is Empty by Jackie M. Johnson

Photo credit: Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels


PRAYER AGAINST COVID-19 (Coronavirus):

Lord, we ask today that you would stop the spread of this awful virus.

Please help people who are sick to recover, and that it would not affect others. May it STOP soon.


Help fear to cease because You are in control, even when we do not see or feel it.

We choose to trust you. In Jesus’ Mighty and Powerful Name,


Praying on…

PRAYER for help in the time of the coronavirus: 

Lord, we ask for your help and healing in this time of uncertainty. Please stop the spread of this coronavirus (COVID-19) around the world. Help it to cease soon!

Help those who are sick to heal. Help the first responders and medical professionals to stay safe and healthy as they treat others. Provide the supplies they need. And a cure.

Be with those who are working at home or in the workplace to be productive, and not feel isolated or lonely.

Help those who have lost their job or have reduced hours. People who need cash and supplies right now.

Help us all to stay healthy and keep our eyes on You, not the changing circumstances around us.

May we be strong and better people for this, and may this virus crisis end soon. We trust in your goodness and faithfulness.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


For more hope and inspiration, check out these books by Jackie M. Johnson:

Praying with Power When Life Gets Tough
Power Prayers for Women
Prayers with Purpose for Women
Photo credit: Will Sporada, Unsplash