7 Powerful Dating Secrets for Christian Women

Dating and relationships shouldn’t have to be so difficult.

I mean, all you have to do is find someone amazing who thinks you’re amazing too.

You meet. You connect. You keep on connecting. He likes you. You like him. You commit. How hard can it be?

Well, for some of my married friends, it seems like a walk in the park.

Take my friends Luke and Becca (not their real names), for example. They met in our church singles group, got married a year later, and had two beautiful children.


But not for everyone.

While I am truly joyful for my happily married friends, I also wonder why it’s so hard for the rest of us to find the person who is the best fit and build a life with him.

Maybe they know something I don’t.

Maybe, like me, you want to find “the real thing.” You’re tired of players, users, and “catfishers” on social media who pretend to be someone they are not. You’re confused because the lines between dating and just friends are blurred beyond recognition.

Or, you’re frustrated because you’re not dating at all.

Whatever the case, I choose to believe there are awesome, godly men out there who would love to find lasting love with someone like you or me.

So, here’s what I’ve learned over many years of dating.

You can’t change anyone else, but you can change how you approach dating and relationships. Maybe it’s time for a new perspective.

If I could go back in time and tell my younger self some foundational and important truths about dating and relationships, here’s what I’d say to pave the way for better relationships.

These seven (7) secrets–things I wish I would have known sooner–could very well make your dating life more positive, healthy and joyful.

1. You deserve to be loved well. You, my friend, deserved to be loved—and to be loved well. Don’t let a guy toy with your emotions or take up your time if he has no intention of dating you. Don’t settle for players. Don’t let yourself be used or abused just because you want someone to love you. That’s not love. No 2:00 AM calls or texts to come over and “hang out.” No. You deserve to be treated better and with respect.

What are the other dating “secrets”?

Read the entire post here: 7 Powerful Dating Secrets for Christian Women Who Want True Love. 

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