A Lesson from the Ocean Waves: Better Boundaries

Walking along a sandy beach is a favorite pastime for many people.

They love to walk barefoot on the warm sand and feel the water wash across their feet as the ocean waves roll in and out, ebbing and flowing.

It’s interesting how the ocean waves know their limits. They know when to stop. The waves reach the beach and retreat. In fact, God designed it that way. “This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt” (Job 38:11).

But watch out for wind gusts, because this place of sandy beauty can soon become a place of destruction.

When gale force winds strike, gigantic waves form with tremendous power.

Then, instead of gently lapping along the coastline, the large crashing waves and the excess water can cause extreme damage to ecosystems and communities along the coast.

In nature–and in relationships–we need boundaries.


Stopping places.

Otherwise, damage can occur.

You may know someone who is like a large wave; he attempts to crash into your life like the large waves with a different kind of destruction: harmful words or actions. Or unrealistic expectations from you.

Like a destructive tidal wave, he wreaks havoc in the lives and emotions of most everyone in his path.

Somehow he seems to know just the right buttons to push to turn your calm life into chaos.

The people who bust your boundaries are often self-centered and self-serving. They want what they want at any cost.

For example, the person in your life who doesn’t hear your “no.” He keeps asking for something you are not willing to give. Over and over. It gets annoying.

Sometimes your resolve weakens and you give in. And then you feel awful. But (hopefully) there are other times when you stand strong. And you don’t give in.

And when you do stand up for yourself and respect yourself, then others will begin to respect your “no.” And respect you. They know you mean it.

Do you know your limits—the emotional and physical boundaries of behaviors you will (and will not) accept from others? Do they?

By knowing your limits and guarding your heart, your inner life, you will find greater peace and joy. Look to the strong and loving Protector, the Lord, to help you.

A Prayer to Guard Your Heart
Above all else, guard your heart, 
for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23

Lord, my heart needs protection. I want to be a loving person, an open door. But I also need to know when to close the door of my heart to keep out bad influences or harmful people. Will you help me to guard my precious heart, my inner life, and have appropriate boundaries? Help me to be wise with how much time I spend with others and what to I choose to share. Help me to know whom I can help, and how to trust that others may need to be the answer to someone else’s prayer this time. I want to be trusting, but also sensible and safe. Protect me, my strong sentinel. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Additional Resources by Jackie M. Johnson
Power Prayers for Women 
Prayers with Purpose for Women
Praying with Power When Life Gets Tough 
When Love Ends and the Ice Cream Carton Is Empty 

Photo credit: Pixabay

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